Video Parts 1-2-3

Nine Days of Riding
540 Miles
40,000 feet of Climbing

Saturday, January 30, 2010

About This Blog

This is not really a blog in the true sense: it is not being written in real time as the events described were happening. It is being written after the fact but not by much. Our trip took place between January 9th, and January 24, 2010. This initial post is being written on January 30th of the same year.

It is the story of four guys, ranging in age from 51 to 61,who wanted to go on an adventurous two week bike ride. We tried to organize a ride in Cuba but, being (generally) law abiding Americans, we decided not to flout the embargo of that sad island. Seeing Havana in its state of suspended animation will have to wait. We opted instead for a ride in Guatemala and that proved to be our good fortune.

This blog is in part a memento of a wonderful trip, but more importantly we hope to share some of the things we learned with other potential cyclists who are considering Guatemala. There is not a lot of advice available on the web to help plan for such a journey. There is some, but we hope this 'blog' will make it easier for other riders to decide 'yes' to Guatemala. If so, they will not be disappointed.

We will offer our thoughts on bikes, gearing, tires, road surface, road steepness!, support, etc. And of course we will record our journey and some of the experiences we had along the way. Enjoy and feel free to comment. (kgb 1/30/10)